Celebrate National Heritage Month with FIG Commune via our collaboration with Oscar Mejia III, Coach Asha and Risqué Designs
Win Filipino artisanal prizes that will give you comfort and solace wherever you are.

1) Follow @figcommune on Instagram and sign-up for an account (click LOG IN at the top right corner of the page) and get FREE access on our online magazine.
2) Repost the FIG Commune’s promo photo and post instructions on your Instagram page, place a comment or caption on your repost on what you are doing to help protect the Earth, tag us by using the following hashtags: #figearthmonth, #figcommunepromo, and #earthday
3. Tag 3 friends and invite them to join the promo too.
4. There will be 3 winners who will receive Oscar Mejia III artisan scented candle, room spray, exclusive online access to a guided mediation by Coach Asha and a neckpiece from Risqué Designs. Winners will be announced on June 1, 2021.